Emily, I'm SO not up on things -- where are you moving?!
No reason you should be -- I just really decided on Friday (that is, I intended to move out, but I could just stay here as long as I wanted, but Friday I got the place I'd been looking at, so I guess I'll move there!). I'm just moving into town, into my own little two-bedroom bungalow where my landlords live across the backyard.
Got a Freshman and a Senior this year.
I was up way too late last night, I guess from jetlag. But I had woken up at 8 or something that morning! Oh well. It should be a quiet day here at the office.
I'm seriously wondering how hard it would be to walk over the Quebec/NH border with a GPS and determination.
Not hard at all, I'm sure. I mean "not hard," assuming you enjoy hiking and whatnot.
Yeah, but what do they do to you if they catch you? Is it a fine or federal time? Considering that I won't be smuggling anything (except myself) and have an expired passport?
We'll vouch for your tendency to not know where you are going, Theo. Clearly inadvertent border crossing.
The main thing I had to get done at work today just took care of itself, and now I am seriously wondering if I am going to go in.
There are expedited passport places online -- I've even heard some promise a 24-hour turnaround. Did you check those out?
I just don't want DHS getting a hold of you, Theo. Lord only knows what they'd do to your spicy brain. I bet they have blue gloves, too.
I'd definitely call an embassy or whoever to find out.
So my parents had a kitten Loki's age that got out May 31 and disappeared. They looked and looked, but no sign of her. They were heartbroken, because things are rough for kittens in their area, so they presumed she'd died.
She showed up in the yard this morning and is now in on my mom's lap, happy as can be. They'll be taking her into the vet's as soon as it opens to get her all checked out.