Mmm, GDL.
Yeah, I'd have to M GDL, C DT, & F JB...seeing as how I've already had a really lovely threesome sex dream w/ his character.
I started to give you all these extra details about what my subconscious apparently finds hot, but that's probably TMI.
I'm going to open this box and assemble this TV stand. Annnny minute now.
And because it deserves a post of its own, I'm glad to hear the longterm plan for Grace, Kat. I know it must be frustrating to you because I'm sure everybody doesn't quite understand what her care at home means. But know we all support you in the process!
The wee!Jawa holding hands with what I assume was parental!Stormtrooper is deadly cute.
Thanks, Liese. Frustrating might be the wrong word. Some people here find it ludicrous that she isn't already home. And you know what, we made the best choice we could given what we had to work with. Enh. People need to Get Over It.
I have no idea how my mother hasn't killed my father.
Just remember, sara, orange jumpsuits with side slash pockets are not a good look on anyone.
I finish doing the dishes and cleaning the counter. I load more soda into the fridge. I turn off the light. I turn around. He's in there, taken a soda without replacing it, left hummus and crumbs and a gummy knife on the counter despite me drilling into them you cannot do that here because of roaches and left the light on. And there is a fucking trail of peanuts across my livingroom.
And he won't fucking go to bed.
People need to Get Over It.
yes, they do. this is YOUR child and they need to shut the fuck up and let you be the parent.