Heh - me, too, Laura.
'The Message'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Uh oh, Clingy Neighbor is going to be Jenny Calendared.
I am becoming mildly obsessed with Agent Ballards biceps. I think they deserve their own show.
Okay, if they can do that with Mellie - why don't they do that with other dolls?
Things are definitely more interesting, but I can't say as I'm emotionally engaged.
When did Mellie get imprinted to send Paul out for Thai food? Why, if Echo's imprint was supposedly to warn Paul, did she first beat him up?
I mean, don't get me wrong, kick-ass, stellar fight scene!
Echo said that her imprint had been tampered with - so probably they just added in the message but kept the rest.
Okay, if they can do that with Mellie - why don't they do that with other dolls?
It seems like her programming is more complicated than that of the others. Maybe she is an experiment? Do others think she has three distinct personalities programmed within her? That was the impression I got from the three flowers thing.
This episode definitely made things more interesting.
Okay, that was good.
(1) Evil!handler. I totally didn't see that coming.
(2) Mellie is a doll -- well, people here were predicting it, so I wasn't totally surprised, though I really didn't expect the reveal to work the way it did.
(3) Someone on the inside who tampered with the imprint -- was it the female computer tech? Or Dr. Fred? And is Echo's handler in on it? Because the only time the imprint could have been tampered with was when Computer Guy stepped out into the hall to talk to Echo's handler. (One day I'll learn all the characters' names, I swear.)
Finally, I realized something tonight: when they're in the dollhouse, the actives talk like lolcats. "I have a book!" (My book, let me show you it.)
3) I had just assumed that Adelle had Topher imprint Echo with the double agent/"tampered" imprint personality. That the tampering was a deliberate ruse on Adelle's part to get Paul to back off.
3) I had just assumed that Adelle had Topher imprint Echo with the double agent/"tampered" imprint personality. That the tampering was a deliberate ruse on Adelle's part to get Paul to back off.
Really? I took it at face value, because the idea of someone on the inside is -- potentially -- a game-changer, and a really great idea if this show is going to be anything other than week after week of mind-wiped whores.