I think we've seen more than five--Victor, Sierra, Echo and more than two others. Perhaps it's just five to a room.
River ,'Safe'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Also, I'm wondering if it's going to turn out that the Dollhouse is some kind of black ops unit that's gone "for profit". It would explain the rather casual linkage with the ATF that just happened, and possibly why they'd handle Paul with kid gloves, so to speak.
So... I was the only one who caught the Firefly shoutout? Or did I miss that discussion?
To wit: "Did I mention I'd been shot?" With very Mal Reynolds-ish intonation. It was actually cute, the way it entirely failed to charm the other FBI agent.
Dana told me to watch this one, and despite its many logical flaws (like the lipstick on the hitchhiking super-religious blind girl omg), there were no moments where I felt skeeved out.
Could have used more work on the cult, though: it wasn't nearly creepy enough. Or maybe that was the point.
I also wondered what on earth the ATF folks thought: they could totally see that they were watching through someone's eyes, and yet they never said a damn thing. I mean, seriously: they didn't think that was WEIRD?
I missed the shout-out and the lipstick.
I figured the ATF guys were briefed beforeheand.
But briefed with what? The doctor that was performing the procedure was shy of it.
Maybe they thought that she was wearing some sort of special glasses or had a camera in her necklace.
They did sort of gloss over that pesky blinking.
maybe everyone that was watching was just blinking at the same time as Echo.
I'm sure the ATF briefing was something along the lines of, "And we'll be able to see!" Handwave, handwave.
I mean, if I were an ATFer I wouldn't have accepted the handler's version of why Echo was going to be accepted in the first place.
That whole briefing the ATF scene was weird to begin with. Way too much nudge nudge wink wink about it if they really didn't want people to pick up that there was something hinky going on. Why not just "we can get someone in, none of your business how"?
Gitmo's an urban legend?
Well, what went on there used to be. Until it turned out to be horrifically true.
Turned out to be? When was there ever any doubt?