OTOH, haven't they said something about the imprint only lasting 10 hours?
I don't think so. Hasn't Echo been out on assignment for more than 10 hours?
'War Stories'
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OTOH, haven't they said something about the imprint only lasting 10 hours?
I don't think so. Hasn't Echo been out on assignment for more than 10 hours?
I think the 10 hours thing may have been dropped during the show development.
If Mellie is connected to Caroline somehow, I'm voting for her being the one shooting the 'Hi Mom' video.
Yes, it was during that scene that I felt there was a family type connection.
I am sticking with my thougts that Mellie is an Active. Also, her cleavage was better. Yay. And yay, that Ballard would call her for his pain meds. Good for you, honey. He knows who you are. (And left you a key? Huh.)
However...bring him a coffee, bring him a candy bar, bring him a big ass chunk of manicotti in Tupperware, but for the love of all women with pride everywhere, do NOT schlep down to the FBI with a fucking huge casserole pan full of homemade food. Because that's just desperate and I feel bad for you, even if you are an Active. Maybe especially, because you probably wouldn't be that pathetic on your own.
Also, her cleavage was better.
Ha! Erin, I thought of you in that scene!
I have my nits to pick; they are usually boobs.
I just grumbled "Jesus, at least we can see her tits!" which made me feel sexist, but mostly just relieved in a "go, sister, with the better outfit!"-ness.
Ha! Erin, I thought of you in that scene!
As did I.
Also, he told her to go ahead and break in, I believe. I don't believe she's an active, mostly because I doubt they'd spend two actives on one crackpot who isn't believed anyway.
I was irked by the cult having to be bad with guns and crap, especially after watching how Veronica Mars did a nice turn on the stereotype. I did like the Move Your Ass bit though.
That bit threw me because it didn't seem to be in line with Esther's character, but then I remembered her sarcastic side in the beginning with Boyd.
Because that's just desperate and I feel bad for you,
Me too.
That bit threw me because it didn't seem to be in line with Esther's character, but then I remembered her sarcastic side in the beginning with Boyd.
I thought that it was supposed to be Caroline, not Esther. Esther definitely had a little bit of a snark to her, but I can't imagine her saying "ass"