I still love it.
Dollhouse, on the other hand.. I dunno. Not sure this is going to keep my interest. ETA: Actually, no - it doesn't have my interest yet. I'm just hanging around to see if it gets better because... threadname.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I still love it.
Dollhouse, on the other hand.. I dunno. Not sure this is going to keep my interest. ETA: Actually, no - it doesn't have my interest yet. I'm just hanging around to see if it gets better because... threadname.
I don't have cable anyway
I swear I find this WAY more heretical than not watching BSG.
Says the guy who has all the DVDs and has only watched a random episode and a half when it came on after Doctor Who
I was way more squicked by episode 2 & yeah I wouldn't still be watching if it was anyone else's show.
I swear I find this WAY more heretical than not watching BSG.
Not watching BSG is more amazing to me. I'm way behind, but watch through the magic of this really cool invention called the DVD, and this handy delivery method called Netflix. Sometimes I even keep up by watching streaming video on sites like hulu.com, and I've heard of something called aheming, although I'm sure no one here would ever take advantage of that, since I've heard it's a no-no.
We truly live in marvelous times.
Snerk. Because we don't need a repeat of the previous post, but we can always use more snerk.
Love BSG.
Meanwhile, I'm really wondering WHY somebody would agree to have their memory wiped. I mean, was this a deal they made so that the mob wouldn't eliminate them? And when they agreed to it - how could you really understand what you were getting yourself into?
Maybe they were suicidal?
Love BSG.
My BSG love is ginormous. It has its own zip code.
Meanwhile, I'm really wondering WHY somebody would agree to have their memory wiped.
We learn early that the Wolfram & Hart Prostitution Division Dollhouse made something serious go away for Echo, in return for her, and pardon the expression, services. Whatever the problem was, it was big enough to rattle a young woman into putting her life on hold for five years to disappear entirely, and surrender her mind and body.
And when they agreed to it - how could you really understand what you were getting yourself into?
You really couldn't. But then, I don't see the Dollhouse as fundamentally any different than human traffickers that force real-life desperate women into lives of prostitution. The only difference is the price tag.
There's a lot of unknowns here: We have no idea if the Dollhouse ever intended to honor its deal with Echo or the Actives. Which, if still unsavory, at least puts them ahead of if they intend to keep them until they're no longer useful, or simply eliminate them. We don't yet know of any "released" Actives floating around.
We also don't know if, at contract's end, what state Echo's mind would be (assuming she doesn't come to on her own.) Would her memories be set back to when she joined? The Dollhouse's intentions are murky right now.
The only Active we know of who's personality (or at least A personality) has asserted itself on its own is Alpha. And that proved messy. Even if the Dollhouse intended to put Echo back together again, we have no idea if that's really possible. From what we've seen, I'm inclined to doubt.
Do the Actives remember the Dollhouse after the implanted personality is removed? Or is it a big Where am I, Who are you people thing each time? Or don't they care?
Echo seems to remember she wants to swim, doesn't she? There's probably a default of home.