You know, I really hate it when people try to be stealthy and do stupid shit.
Requisitioning a company jet? Really?
You want to leave a paper trail to a mission where Echo dies?
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
You know, I really hate it when people try to be stealthy and do stupid shit.
Requisitioning a company jet? Really?
You want to leave a paper trail to a mission where Echo dies?
Hopefully Echo will move on from foreshadowing hints to actually putting a hurt on Dominic before much longer. I want to see the guy bleed.
The head ATF dude was so obviously messing things up following his personal agenda, I'm surprised he felt at liberty to be so antagonistic to Ballard. For all he knew Langton might have anonymously tipped Ballard off to his frame job and endangerment of the lives of civillians by the dozen to provoke a crisis and make his collar. It seems a little more cooperation would have been in order.
I'm frankly at a complete loss why Victor's reaction to Sierra would set off the "DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!" klaxons. I can see the mindwiped childlike state removing any conscious knowledge of sex and sexual attraction from the Actives, but the capability for physical arousal is pretty high up on the list of basics among neurological responses, and dude is a twentysomething male in peak physical condition in a situation involving warm water and rubbing. That would have made a lot more sense if Not!Warren had wigged out about some sort of deliberate advance Victor made toward Sierra rather than a physical reaction that could have just as easily been due to lathering up.
I'm frankly at a complete loss why Victor's reaction to Sierra would set off the "DANGER, WILL ROBINSON!" klaxons.
I think that they were trying to do some Garden of Eden analogy.
The issue may have been that it was Sierra that caused the "man reaction", not any other active.
let's not forget echo and sierra have a secret too before we get too Freudian on this shit.
I think that they were trying to do some Garden of Eden analogy.
Isn't that at least in part why Milton had Adam and Eve get it on first thing in his version of Eden? To refute that kind of logic.
Oh, Kellerman, what are you doing?
Though honestly, if his point is that Echo's about to lose her shit like Alpha, it's hard to argue with him.
The shower scene had some of the humor that this show has been lacking so far.
Yeah, I agree. That was pretty amusing.
I think that they were trying to do some Garden of Eden analogy.
Yeah, I finally picked up on that with Adelle's monologue at the end.
I just saw the basket ball delayed episode. Did anyone else think Echo was going to answer the question about her sight at the end with "5 x 5"? or was it just me?
Tim's already said 5x5 in that Buffy episode he wrote.
I liked this episode a lot more than I thought I would. I thought Eliza carried it well, too.
From here on out the show changes from stand alones to mythology-arc mode.
I wonder if people would like the show more if the dollhouse was a government project with every week being some sort of undercover mission.