he seems to resent Agents
Must be awkward at family get-togethers.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
he seems to resent Agents
Must be awkward at family get-togethers.
There have been interviews with Joss, I believe, where he seems to resent Agents and tries to downplay its relevance to the movies.
Yeah, that was in the context of Coulson, where having the Avengers know he was alive in the movies would be an issue. But there's never been a question that any of the Marvel TV shows weren't connected to the movies. They're engineered to be!
I just realized: May's essential conflict seems to be tied to the fact she had to kill a kid at the same time she was wanting to start a family with Dr. Hotty, so I'm starting to see some annoying parallels here.
Starting? I've been annoyed at Joss for putting babies and kids everywhere ever since Angel took his baby home with him. You're a vampire and a Champion of Whatever Powers-That-Be Blahblah, you can't raise a kid! Darla's pregnancy was one of the best storylines ever on either Buffy or Angel, but they should've introduced, early on, someone trustworthy Angel could give the baby to, to raise, because Angel went south in a nosedive as soon as the baby came home with him. And now AoU is full of babies. Joss needs to go home and play with his kids and breathe for a while, until he can write something without putting his family issues and his baby fetish into it.
I hadn't thought that far back. I was just seeing movie issues and TV issues being a little too on point with each other.
Sorry. That rant's been brewing for a while. You should have seen the post I deleted.
Now that you've pointed it out, it is a bit obvious. See Zoe telling Wash she wanted to see the baby they'd produce.
I almost feel bad for Raina: she was right! But she'd poisoned the well so thoroughly that it was wasted effort to try to do anything about it.
Right? She just never comes across as sincere, and she's got no other argument to make if people don't believe her about the visions.
ETA I was gonna be really impressed if the recent news about the spinoff was an elaborate takeout and Ward just killed Bobbi right then.
I did not expect that from Jiaying. So that was a HS moment.
I didn't trust her from the start, but I didn't expect her to straight-up kill a dude.
Also, she killed him and committed to a war with SHIELD after giving Cal over to them as a prisoner. Stone cold.
And I'm pretty sure Cal has his own role to play. I presume he took his serum with him, is that what that was?