Man, we're going to have to skip SHIELD, b/c Tim hasn't seen AoU yet, and I don't know how spoilery it will be for the movie. Nothing like after CA:TWS, I'm sure, but there has to be SOME fallout.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
My listings are showing a one-hour SHIELD. But I'll click over at 8 to be sure.
My guide says Dancing with the Stars Results before AoS and one hour of Forever. And I'm going out this evening, so now I'm worried I'll record the wrong thing.
Agents is an hour, Forever is the 2-hour season/series finale (it's likely to be canceled, pout)
edit: am now confused
TV Guide put Agents at 7/8, the local website puts it at 8/9. I guess I'll believe the locals.
Watched AoS, some references to Ultron, but no spoilers.
Oh, cool. Then we can watch it tomorrow night.
I'd say minor spoilers. It does mention that as Stark is behind Ultron coming into existence.
Oh, I thought that was common knowledge.
Holy schneikies!
Lots of people trusting people they shouldn't!