I wonder how close Phil himself comes to Gonzalez' definition of enhanced.
Well, Gonzales has said on several occasions that Phil's alien aspect makes him untrustworthy, so he's definitely not seeing Phil as any sort of equal.
'War Stories'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I wonder how close Phil himself comes to Gonzalez' definition of enhanced.
Well, Gonzales has said on several occasions that Phil's alien aspect makes him untrustworthy, so he's definitely not seeing Phil as any sort of equal.
This episode was so much fun!
I think May being all kinds of pissed at Coulson and her ex being at the root of it is in character. She's weird about her personal life. Remember when she had to call her mom for help? And in her mind, she's let Coulson in more than anyone else. And he knows how touchy she is. He seemed fairly calm about her anger.
I think the spying for Fury is water under the bridge. And when she said that he wasn't the Director could have been an allusion to Fury.
Age of Ultron is so good, y'all.
I'm going to go see it again this Sunday, not in 3D this time. It was good 3D, I just find it too distracting sometimes.
I'm going Saturday morning.
Saturday evening! I am stoked. Ten of us in the group and we chose a theater with recliners and 2D. It will be a new experience, for sure!
quester, I can kind of see your point with May and how protective of her personal life she is. OTOH, I'm very protective of Coulson, so Ima side with him just a tad. I feel like May is hitting below the belt.
I loved Coulson talking to Maria, I was really hoping to see more of her this season as a go-between for Coulson and Fury. Maybe after AoU, I hope.
I'm in camp everyone-but-Coulson. Don't get me wrong, I like Clark Gregg and I like Phil Coulson fine, but I'm not a fan of the constant smugness. I'd like to see the character knocked down a peg, and I did find myself siding with Gonzales a bit on the fact that Coulson's single-minded pursuit of the Kree mystery did come with consequences (R.I.P. Trip) and perhaps letting an alien-touched mind make unilateral decisions for SHIELD was not the best strategy, particularly if almost nobody knew it was a-very-much-alive-Fury's strategy.
So I'm going to side with May, who was supposed to be a confidante but instead gets left holding the bag when Real Shield presents a really good case for Coulson being Wrong, and despite that she manages to join Real Shield and remain loyal to Coulson. Yeah, I'm on May's side.
I agree with you 100% except about liking Phil Coulson, as the moments when I find him tolerable are few and far between these days.
Skye's big fight scene was impressive, but I had a hard time buying it was Skye. Like, that was someone with a dozen years of training, not Junior Miss Hacker gal. So I had to explain it to myself as part of her enhanced powers she got extra speed & strength & perception -- because part of that was her ability to see & know how to take out the Hydra agents.
I loved the awkward scene around the strategy table, and the way everyone just admitted they wanted Ward dead. That did feel very Joss. I just hope they don't try to redeem Ward any further.
And I'm glad Agent 33 is back in the fold, hope that she isn't mistreated at all. Maybe she'll join Bobbi's team?
Really excellent analysis of Melinda May: [link] It has effectively given me much more appreciation for her and her character arc in season 2.