I just edited; in the Sonic game, he spun around and got gold rings. And Raina's all spiky, like a hedgehog.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
May's comment about the not-the-director had me looking for pod people. If you know him so well, why don't you trust him to be doing things for the right reasons?
Oh, Ward, honey, you didn't make "mistakes." What you made were choices. You sound like one of my students...
I should have gotten the Sonic reference. Facepalm.
It's rather nice to have a bad guy who's really a bad guy and our heroes all know it.
So glad to have that reference explained ... it had me thinking I'd missed something.
And is it just me, or is Raina kind of attractive in a weird way?
I didn't get the Sonic reference either!
Yeah, the Sonic went right over me.
May kind of pissed me off. Personally, I consider her spying on Coulson just as bad as, if not worse, than Phil seeing her ex-husband for therapy without telling her. Patient/client confidentiality is his fricking right and he doesn't have to tell her anything. There's a lot of serious trust issues, there, and I'm having a hard time liking anybody right about now. Except maybe Skye.
And Fitz.
Him, too. Maybe Simmons. I admire her attempt on Ward.
Yeah, May is pissing me off, which is disappointing, because she and Coulson are my favorites on the show.
I'm still not sure I believe Skye's quick ascension to badass, but that single take fight in the med bay where she took out all those HYDRA agents was pretty awesome.
I'm concerned at what's going to happen to Mike at whatever offsite facility they're sending him to be repaired. Gonzalez most definitely doesn't have his (or any of the other "enhanced" folks) best interests at heart.
I absolutely loved Ward starting to whine about how his hard life made him what he was and the team just smacking him down one after another.
Sad to see Bakshi go. He was an entertaining villain.
I was willing to shrug off Skye's badassness as "eh, comic books". But May is pissing me off, too. If it really is "You talked to my ex without asking me first, how could you!" I will be very disappointed.
I loved what Simmons did. It was very logical, "He is a proven threat, we cannot trust him, he directly tried to kill me and Fitz, I can do something to stop him but only if I sneak up on him."
I'm glad Ward is still a weasel and everyone knows it. When the sad music started up I went "Oh, no, really, don't you dare!"