According to Wikipedia his voice did not just affect people mentaolly. He could wreak havoc in the physical world and had to train himself never to utter an unplanned sound, even in his sleep.
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
There's a bit in one of the Marvel games where you visit the Inhuman capital and Deadpool tries to coax Black Bolt into saying "Chimichanga."
But yeah, Black Bolt is leagues beyond Angar in power level.
I imagine we won't see any of the major Inhumans until their movie.
Nice! My boss got us all a 3 month Loot Crate subscription for Christmas. Most of the time it's mildly amusing, but as of this morning I now have my very own SHIELD lanyard. (Non-customized, sadly, but still fun.)
None of my co-workers watch the show, so they were confused.
I hope it's Koenig approved, or you could get into trouble.
Shades of Pulp Fiction.
Really not liking the "Real" SHIELD very much. I'll stick with Coulson no matter how whacked out he may seem.
So "real" SHIELD doesn't know Fury's alive, that kind of negates their legitimacy, but damn, they've got some resources. I wonder who their shadow masters are.
You know, I was actually going to give Ward a shadow of a benefit of a doubt, until he talked about going to see his family. Glad to see he's still stone cold nuts. He's just playing a variant on Garrett on poor Agent 33. That Skye thing was creepy.
I had a visitor distract me from the end. Are Phil and May on to Mack? Poor Fitz. I wonder if Mack will try to turn Fitz or Simmons or both?
And I hope we see Hunter kick some butt. I like him.
And I wonder when the first "Steve spending a few weeks in Fury's cabin" fics will turn up.
Are Phil and May on to Mack?
I am so here for Agent 33's identity issues. I'm glad to see Ward again.
Wait. Did I just type that.
Did I really just type that.
Not sure how I feel about real S.H.I.E.L.D. Who the fuck is bankrolling them???
I'm thinking the World Security Council? I don't remember if they got disbanded after Winter Soldier or not, but it seems the kind of thing they'd do to move into the vacuum of Fury's presumed death.
I love Ward just for the nut job aspect. So totally not what I expected from the beginning of season 1. And I actually like the actor now, where I thought he was just a bland-looking beefcake to fill out the team and maybe go around shirtless. But then, they had James Marsters for that in Buffy and he was the best at his nuttiest before they gave him a soul.