And yeah, the woman with the blades on her finger tips was kind of stupid.
As I said upthread, Drea de Matteo deserved a much better role.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
And yeah, the woman with the blades on her finger tips was kind of stupid.
As I said upthread, Drea de Matteo deserved a much better role.
Wasn't the explanation something like she grafted those onto her fingers in her lab because of an abusive boyfriend? So, she's not an Inhuman, or genetically altered or anything. She's basically someone who decided that Lee Press-on Razors would be better for self-defense than a gun or pepper spray.
My thought when I saw her was that I went to high school with girls who could do more damage with their salon fake nails.
I wasn't sure if her boyfriend did it to her or she did it to herself. I suppose they could have left them on if she refused to give permission for their removal. I guess she's classified as Aggravated Crazy.
They said she did it to herself.
I guess I'm having trouble with the idea that Coulson et al. should all be so loyal to an organization that turned out to be rotten to its core.
When you're loyal to an institution, you are officially loyal to its mission, but really what it comes down to is the people. And here, with SHIELD, both the mission AND the people were tainted.
Coulson (and the show, I guess) is trying to say, "We're loyal to the mission, and that's what we're recreating," but it's too grey. You can't start clean if you're building with concrete that is half sewage.
They should burn it to the ground and admit they're a vigilante group. Except Coulson couldn't accept that (although I bet May could). He has to have the perception of legitimate authority to prop him up, even if it's paper-thin and smeared with blood.
Basically, I'm not sure why I'm still watching this. Every once in a while there's a good plot twist, but other than May there aren't any characters I really love, and the subtext of the show is ... kind of fascist. Argh.
I'm thinking Skyedaddy's plan was to draw attention to himself by gathering up a group of second-string baddies. The coulson bit was just a bonus.
It's possible the "other" actual Inhumans group was what he was looking for. Maybe not by name as such, but he probably theorized their existence. It would explain his coolness a bit.
As for the town coming to see, I wonder if they had the game on the air when Roaring Man did his thing. I wonder if it works when reproduced? Hmmm.
I never followed the Inhuman's much. But in the sixties I read a few issues and they were ruled by a guy with powers like that of roaring man only much greater (also no stretchy mouth). Lots of man pain cause his power meant he could not talk - had to use hand signals and writing and I think maybe his wife was a telepath and could convey his orders. But he really really wanted to be able to use words to tells his wife he loved her.
But in the sixties I read a few issues and they were ruled by a guy with powers like that of roaring man only much greater
Black Bolt?
The character on the show was Angar the Screamer. I wish I hadn’t looked that up, because it would have been so much cooler if he had been a hippie on the show, with that outfit.