Turns out his name on this show isn't "Profit who was also on Heroes."
Hah, no.
Connie, I like your whitefont.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Turns out his name on this show isn't "Profit who was also on Heroes."
Hah, no.
Connie, I like your whitefont.
Maybe Talbot is Nathan Petrelli.
Or Syler...pretending to be Petrelli pretending to be Talbot.
I'm so very shallow, but DAMN, Blair Underwood looks better than ever.
Shrink me, baby. Shrink. Me.
I'm so very shallow, but DAMN, Blair Underwood looks better than ever.
The man does not age.
I was really hoping they would give Drea de Matteo something more interesting to do. However, the twist at the end was good; and not quite what I was expecting. I assume it will play directly into the upcoming film.
Shrink me, baby. Shrink. Me.
Just remember, it's unethical to hook up with one's psychiatrist.
From the promo, Admiral Adama is the new director of Not!SHIELD. Awesomesauce.
I am becoming less and less happy with AoS. I make no bones about having shallow taste in TV, but I want the show to have Coulson kicking people's butts, literally and figuratively, and I don't want to have so many people plotting against him and all that. I know we're in build up to Ultron, and it looks like they ramping up to Civil War (bleh), and I want to see Coulson looking smug and pleased for a change.
But May's ex was very nice.
I don't think I like Gemma any more.
Just remember, it's unethical to hook up with one's psychiatrist.
I'll get a new one. Hell, I'll see Hannibal Lecter if it gets me Blair Underwood.
Also, I can't help reading it politically; it seems like AOS is pissing on every point Winter Soldier ever made. In the Marvel Universe, Captain America, the symbol of what was best in "The Greatest Generation" takes an action that makes him a cross between Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Except that he still gets to do physical butt kicking too. And AOS the POV character Sky starts out by being an open info advocate and ends up deciding that the people need to be protected from knowing too much. And the story is largely about all the harm done by the exposing of Shield. "Ya know what we said in Winter Soldier? Just kidding?". And I know that Joss is pretty liberal, but story tends to have its own logic, and I think that is definitely there. Not the main point, but all the more powerful for being taken for granted rather than foregrounded.