They kind of already did that story with May, didn't they? Kind of.
This'll be fun though.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
They kind of already did that story with May, didn't they? Kind of.
This'll be fun though.
They kind of already did that story with May, didn't they? Kind of.
Yes, I'll be aggravated if that is all it is. It would be better if it was someone different, maybe Maria Hill?
I was wondering if they were just watching Coulson for themselves, not quite trusting him to run SHIELD, but then they'd have to have a way to know about the toolbox. Maybe Maria, but I'm not quite trusting them. They corrupted Toy Lola--though Toy Lola was corrupt from the beginning.
I do like Skye's Dad. So consistent in his madness. I hope the people that took Raina are good to her.
Someone on Metafilter suggested they're spying on Coulson for Tony. (Which does assume Tony knows Coulson's alive...)
There at the end with Raina, I actually thought "Oh, I forgot about him, well done."
Who was "him"? I've still forgotten...
Who was "him"? I've still forgotten...
The same kid that Skye's mother was helping with his transition in the beginning but older.
She called him Gordon.
Oh, duh! I watched half last night and half today, so that slipped my mind. ta.
I had the same reaction as Connie. That was a very cool moment.
I saw the blue dome and, until they focused on Gordon, didn't quite realize what had happened. Then I did, and enjoyed the continuity.
Is it just me or, with the trench coat, did he look a little like Constantine on his show?