It does bring on a sense of missed opportunities when a guest actor that shared maybe two scenes with the lead in the original movie has better chemistry with her than all the show's supporting characters combined. Not that the regulars are doing a bad job, themselves.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I do not want Natasha to be 75 years old.
I don't think we're going to see Natasha in a show set in the 1940s. But it's clearly the Red Room/Black Widow boarding school. Which was creepy as shit.
I really like the way Chad Michael One Tree Hill is playing Thompson. I got a strong PTSD vibe from him in the first or second episode, and I wondered if the show was going to deliver on that. Nicely done.
I liked that, though him having a crush on Peggy made my eyes roll.
Count me in on wanting more all episodes with the Howling Commandos!
I liked that, though him having a crush on Peggy made my eyes roll.
I didn't actually get a crush vibe from Thompson, regardless of what Dooley said.
I think Dooley couldn't comprehend that Thompson would have respect for Peggy without there being a crush involved.
Yeah, I don't think he actually has a crush on her.
I don't think Dooley thinks Thompson has a crush on her, either; I think it's the kind of shit talking that people do in an office/army/whatnot.
I like Dooley for some reason. Much more now than I did many episodes ago. I think because he does seem to be searching for the actual truth with regards to that weird battle slaughter thing.
I'll agree with Steph. Very much the kind of talk you find amongst the troops.
I'm not thrilled with Thompson at all. I could care less about his PTSD and his mainpain. Seriously don't care. It's not PTSD, it's shame. He claims he didn't want that medal, that he didn't deserve it, but he's done nothing to disabuse anyone about that. I don't really care that he's afraid of repercussions; he's had more than enough time to try to make things right and he's blown them off, taking advantage of his status. Confessing to Peggy doesn't absolve him. At the end of the episode, he still wasn't manning up.
It's not PTSD, it's shame.
It can't be both?
I like Dooley for some reason. Much more now than I did many episodes ago.
I do, too.
I think because he does seem to be searching for the actual truth with regards to that weird battle slaughter thing.
And this is why. He seems to finally be getting that something seriously shady is up, and wants to figure it out, rather than just blame it on Howard Stark and get accolades for that.