There's a photo going around Tumblr of Clark Gregg holding up a post-it with #TripLives on it. No idea what to make of it.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Maybe the Koenigs aren't LMDs but Trip will be!
I am very pissed about Tripp's death! WTF was he even in that scene for?
I'm going to have to go back and rewatch, but did he break the blue crystal thing or did it just shatter and hit him with the shards?
He kicked it, it went boom.
Ah, thanks!
Yeah, that was a very quick bit, I had to rewind three times to confirm that was what happened.
So, if he hadn't kicked it, he would have survived, because he wouldn't have gotten a bit of Diviner shrapnel in him? That sucks.
hard to say what would have happened.
I know people like Tripp more than Hunter, but the truth is--do we know much about Tripp? They hadn't spent much time giving him a backstory, or much development beyond the actor's (UNDENIABLE) charisma and general badassery (which is shared by everyone on the show).
So I'm not surprised he bought it, in comparison to Hunter (I'm getting this right?) and his more detailed history and screwing his ex-wife.
I'm not surprised, I am just unhappy about it. While we didn't have a lot of Tripp's backstory, what we did have was interesting (i.e. his family history, which often saved New SHIELD's asses). Hunter is this mercenary carrying a torch for his exwife, who happens to be part of the team. What's interesting about that?
What's interesting about that?
Yup. I find him uninteresting. Also, I don't see any man on the show who's cool enough for Bobbi anyway.
Also also, I'm still mourning Hartley: why couldn't Lucy Lawless have had more than one episode? Sigh.