So glad there's another episode next week. I thought this was the winter finale and was like "oh you SUCK for leaving it like that". Not that they won't next week but hoping for a bit more closure with a few loose ends.
I was so hoping that Skye would shoot flower dress chick dead, point the gun at her head and order them off the plane or else. What the hell would Ward do in that case? Or failing that, shooting Ward in the, well on ABC it would never be in the face (but I can dream can't I?) on the way out. However, since it looks like we get the long-awaited father/daughter reunion next week I can live with that.
I do hope Mack isn't really dead, just duplicated. But since he was in the harness, that's doubtful. Hopefully being possessed means he survived the fall.
fish sticks:
And I'm glad it was a dream at the beginning and they didn't flash to "36 Hours Earlier" or something lame like that.
Liked Skye in the flowered dress, and May and Phil as Mom and Dad.
I have to cry foul on Skye even holding a little of her own against someone who went toe to toe with May and survived (albeit in mutilated fashion).
That was weird but I didn't care because the fight was awesome.
I do hope Mack isn't really dead, just duplicated. But since he was in the harness, that's doubtful. Hopefully being possessed means he survived the fall.
He definitely wasn't duplicated, but he clearly had some superstrength going for him so he may have survived the fall. Hopefully they can un-Kree him.
Also: THEY FINALLY SAID KREE so now we can stop speculating.
what was that thing between Mack and Bobbi in the jet about bringing whatshisface in (or not) and something something mumble about now that Hart is gone....?
That was a mumbly and confusing scene.
Are we allowed to discuss AoS-Captain Marvel-Kree speculation here?
Raina continues to be awesome. Was glad to see her smug, lying, yet awesome face.
Not enough May.
Not enough May
Not enough real May, at least, heh.
what was that thing between Mack and Bobbi in the jet about bringing whatshisface in (or not) and something something mumble about now that Hart is gone....?
I don't think we know yet.
I loved the Koenig's insisting that the other one was the shorter one. And messing with people "There's 13 of us." And "Sam! I'm on with the Director!"
what was that thing between Mack and Bobbi in the jet about bringing whatshisface in (or not) and something something mumble about now that Hart is gone....?
Hart (Hartley?) was Lucy Lawless, right? I mean, I still have no idea what that conversation meant, but I just wonder if I'm thinking of the right character.
I think you are, and it's probably clumsy foreshadowing.