That is my favorite line and I want to find some way to use it in something.
I'd like to hear that in a Jane Austen movie, quite honestly. And not the zombie one they are doing, a non-supernatural one.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
That is my favorite line and I want to find some way to use it in something.
I'd like to hear that in a Jane Austen movie, quite honestly. And not the zombie one they are doing, a non-supernatural one.
Tim is wondering if Skye's dad was a doctor all along, or if he became one after the vivisection (which, Jesus Christ this show is dark) so that he could take revenge on Whitehall. Which I'm all in favor of.
This suddenly made me wonder if he could somehow bring Skye's mother back by harvesting her organs back from Whitehall.
This suddenly made me wonder if he could somehow bring Skye's mother back by harvesting her organs back from Whitehall.
I think they should film this and show it at Xmas every year. He did say he wanted his family back together, not just his daughter. Also - any other children, perhaps?
But even so, even if his endgame is to help Skye, I don't see any redemption happening
If his motivation is to help Skye, it's in a murderous stalker kind of way, you know? Not in a tortured "my love is so strong it overcomes my moral scruples!" kind of way.
Ditto Paul Atreides love for his maybe part-alien daughter. Both of them seem to be nursing this fantasy that when they present Whitehall's corpse to her on a blood-stained platter, she's going to be so overcome with gratitude that she forgives everything and fall into their arms. NOPE.
Well, for Dad, at least, there will be the additional gratification of "This monster butchered your mother," but I doubt Skye will appreciate the nuance.
At least with Ward there, it's less likely that Simmons would try for a second chance with Whitehall, no matter how juicy the science.
Paul Atreides
I thought they did a good job of CGI-ing Skye's father to look like his Agent Cooper days.
They certainly had copious reference material.
I thought they did a good job of CGI-ing Skye's father to look like his Agent Cooper days.
I said that when he came running over the hill ("Damn...good CGI!")
hmmm ... think there's any chance of an AoS/InCryptid crossover, with the Aeslin mice squeaking "HAIL! Hydra!"?
Somebody should make it happen!