Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Why did they take the hood off?
Pretty sure Coulson's playing a double-game. Possibly a triple one.
I mean, it was awesome to see him call out Ward for what he is--murderer and traitor--but I also think Coulson knows Ward well enough to use him. If Ward takes advantage of the chance to escape, well, it's not on Coulson's watch, and if he goes after Senator Ward, that's okay because I'm pretty sure Coulson didn't believe everything Christian said, either.
That said, I hope Coulson would at least feel bad about any of those guards getting killed by Ward. Even if they are the Senator's men (or Talbot's).
As for Bobbi and Hunter, seems like they're setting them up for a reconciliation, what with the tag-team fighting they're so good at. Which I would be happier about except I don't like Hunter any more than May does...
I kind of like Hunter. The show needs a snarky couple.
And yes, I figure Coulson's up to something re: Ward. I wonder who Ward will go after first, Skye, Coulson, or his brother? Or Skye-Daddy?
I was expecting that the team transporting Ward would turn out to be Hydra or that his brother had hired them to get him out and turn him loose. Or maybe bring him to his seekrit lair to lock him in the dungeon. But when I saw the shots of his hand, I figured he'd slip out of the cuff and wreck havoc.
I'm sad that FitzSimmons is no longer a thing and that she makes him worse, rather than better.
But I'm enjoying Bobbi/Hunter - they work well together and he'll follow her. Watching her walk away - woman's got a spine of STEEL.
I kind of love how everyone except Mack and maybe Fitz hates Hunter. Not because I dislike him, but because he gives such a great wounded expression every time people don't fall for his "roguish charm."
I thought the folks guarding Ward had SHIELD logos on their arms?
After years of getting one confused for the other, when Clark Gregg and Tim DeKay were in the same scene I was so excited and shouting at the TV, "They're together on my TV! Why isn't the universe collapsing in on itself?"
I admit I would not be sad if Ward's escape resulted in a shoot-on-sight order.
I really wish this show used Trip more. The Hunter/Bobby sniping is sorta fun, but I would rather watch Trip kicking ass with the noise and the funk.
Oh oh oh oh, FitzSimmons. Breaking my heart.
I'm wondering if Ward's escape might be his brother's idea. If his admittedly unreliable childhood narrative is correct, Ward's brother had him doing some bad things. I could see how the senator might find it useful to have an agent like that available in the world with some plausible deniability attached. If the senator said, "Bring him to me in this manner," and said manner was something the senator knew Ward could escape, the end result would look like what we saw. Meanwhile the senator could be all, "How did that notorious criminal escape?"
Still, regular handcuffs? Ordinary people without his training have dislocated their thumbs to get out of handcuffs.
Yeah, I was all like "Oh, wait for -- yep, there's the fucking thumb."
Seriously, "don't give him an inch" wasn't supposed to refer to his cuffs, but the closeup that showed how loose they were had me convinced
could have slipped them.
Did like the line to Simmons about how he didn't know Fitz before so he doesn't think of him as broken. I have a friend who was badly burned in a fire and I've often been glad I didn't know her before - I don't see what she's lost, so she's just who she is.