Is there any hint yet that Coulson will be mentioned in Avengers 2?
The last I saw, Clark Gregg was not in the line-up. However, they could just be faking us out. However, they could still be keeping his continuing existence a secret from the Avengers, so they don't kill Fury and bring him back to kill him again. However, with Triplett being in the group now, I don't see how they're going to keep that secret.
Lucy Lawless will be on SHIELD this year. [link]
No word on what her role will be, yet. (Which I realize would be spoilery to say, anyway.) Though there is some rampant speculation in the linked article.
Joss couldn't make his Nerd HQ panel at Comic-con because of his knee surgery, so a bunch of familiar faces filled in: [link]
Really fun stuff.
I posted a casting spoiler in the Spoiler thread. It has the potential to be pretty cool.
You can say here that Kyle McLachlan will be on the show this upcoming season.
Thanks -- I couldn't remember whether I could say the actor's name or the role he was cast in, so I erred on the side of saying nothing.
The part about the tutu is a
Wait, did I do that right?
It's more of a crinoline than a
I think you did that right.