The good news about that is that it means that season 2 isn't necessarily all about planning meetings and budget appropriations and building bureaucracy.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
All those circles and lines Coulson was drawing? Turns out that's just SHIELD's new org chart.
You guys.
It's wrong that I kind of want to see that version, isn't it?
All those circles and lines Coulson was drawing? Turns out that's just SHIELD's new org chart.
I honestly thought that for a second.
The drawing that Coulson (and Garrett) was doing is a variation of the chalkboard drawing that Ward (posing as Amador) took a picture of in Eye Spy.
Oh, interesting! Nice catch.
Reading some critics, you wouldn't imagine that AoS has actually had a coherent plant from day one. Some of them act like Winter Soldier was a huge surprise to the AoS writers.
Reading some critics, you wouldn't imagine that AoS has actually had a coherent plant from day one. Some of them act like Winter Soldier was a huge surprise to the AoS writers.
Also, one of the people reviewing for the AV Club said that the "Incentives" were still a hanging question, but I thought that was made pretty clear (although they are probably different for different people).
Yeah, the Incentives thing was pretty clear to me, too. Every once in awhile I'll read a review and the reviewer will describe a scene completely differently than I saw it (and then likely complain about it being problematic or confusing) or ask a question that I thought was answered pretty clearly in the episode and I have to go "Huh?"
I would think someone actually reviewing something professionally would at the very least re-watch scenes they had issue with to make sure they play out how they thought.