I think Mellie and Viktor both being dolls is a bit much. Well, it's affording Paul a great deal of respect, and I don't quite get the vibe that they fear him that much so far.
But before the Viktor reveal I did think she was one.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I think Mellie and Viktor both being dolls is a bit much. Well, it's affording Paul a great deal of respect, and I don't quite get the vibe that they fear him that much so far.
But before the Viktor reveal I did think she was one.
if she was an active she'd be Mike.
Viktor's the only instance of an Active we've seen out and about without a fake name, isn't he?
I DO think she's a Doll. I mean, I think sending in the Russians is a ploy to have Ballard think that the Russian mob is connected to the Dollhouse -- which, who knows, might be, but I seriously doubt it's behind it; a tool, if nothing else.
Mellie is keeping-an-eye-on backup. Misdirection AND a watchful eye -- seems likely.
Oh, I'm sure Joss didn't dictate frumpy flowy clothes, but I get so tired of seeing as non-verbal shorthand. Although I suppose, tactically for the mission parameters, it would also work to lull Ballard into think "low self-esteem chunky harmless."
Which totally makes me want to see Mellie in some hot pencil skirt, tight sweater combo with some mad wit and ninja skills. Le sigh. I like her tooth gap. It's sexy.
Mellie is keeping-an-eye-on backup. Misdirection AND a watchful eye -- seems likely.
I agree. Much like Sierra was backup in her Aussie fangirl character. Except that seems like a long stint to be imprinted and hanging out by her door waiting for Paul to come home. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that they shouldn't go longer than ten hours with an imprinted personality?
I'm a little confused about Viktor -- I mean, is he legitimately in the Russian mob? Or do they have an agreement with the mob? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just pay somebody? Or heck, maybe he wasn't an Active until last episode! No, that doesn't make any sense.
Much like Sierra was backup in her Aussie fangirl character.
BTW, what was up with that? She didn't back anything or anyone up! She got herself kidnapped and cowed and simpered. She couldn't have taken that dude out if she was programmed to be backup? Honestly, she was only there for Echo to rescue and I'm pretty sure that the Dollhouse was not OK with that. Unless the backup was only if Echo got killed?
They said something about her being emergency only. I would think that emergency would be getting kidnapped, but okay.
I would think that emergency would be getting kidnapped, but okay.
I know, right?!
At least Echo's imprinted personality was an in-your-face tough chick who was ready to throw down, and therefore had some useful skills in a crisis. Not!Adam should have altered Sierra's perceptions so that when the stalker revealed himself she would see him as the dude from Twilight and hallucinate crowds of other squealing fangirls competing to grab a piece of him.