I still want The Inside DVDs.
Indeed. More than I want Dollhouse DVDs, frankly.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I still want The Inside DVDs.
Indeed. More than I want Dollhouse DVDs, frankly.
You'll want Dollhouse DVDs once you see Tim's last episode, I heard. But, yeah, The Inside was awesome and I miss it still. Although I can't remember if I liked Becky in the end or not.
Dollhouse is, as far as I can tell, 'in trouble'.
For me it's merely the vibe I get off of the culmination of various interviews. There's none of the usual (in my experience) "That Nathan's not funny at all/Morena's so homely". It's just full-throttle, untempered adoration. For me there's also the "Why the hell her? Of all the actresses he's worked with, why does he want to work solely with Eliza freaking Dushku?!"
YES! Totally.
So when *I* say (however I actually phrased it) that Joss has a crush on ED, it's because I can't come up with a better explanation. I've read the other rationale's more recently about ED having the development deal and Joss wanting to work with her so hopping on board that deal rather than wait ten years, and I still don't get it.
Juliebird speaks for me too. But, you know, better.
So it must be the blind stupidity that comes with crushing.
Dollhouse is, as far as I can tell, 'in trouble'.
Gosh, I am shocked and surprised.
I know, THAT'S a plot twist!
I'm thinking it gets canceled, Joss puts it up on iTunes and episodes 6-13 become cult favorites and people bitch about how it was killed before its time and call themselves ActiveCoats, or Dollistas and bond with each other at ComicCon by wearing subtly allusive t-shirts.
Then Joss does a comic book for S2 because he's just not done with the stories in that world.
Not that likely. I think either all the episodes will air, or a majority of them will. I do think there's a possibility the last few episodes may be chopped as it'll be May sweeps time.
As for tshirts, go with hats. [link]
Okay, that's kinda funny. I'm always counting Jayne hats at cons now.
Somebody put a jayne hat on me at the London Serenity red carpet and took a photo. I live in fear of that photo.
Edit: according to the FOX PR department, they're still planning air all 13 episodes.
So does that mean that they're going to cancel it before tomorrow's episode airs, or after? I wouldn't believe a Fox spokesman if he told me the sun would rise tomorrow.