Surely he's brainwashed. That's the vibe I got, at least.
I mean, they made a point of mentioning that Raina was brainwashed. It seems very...pointed.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Surely he's brainwashed. That's the vibe I got, at least.
I mean, they made a point of mentioning that Raina was brainwashed. It seems very...pointed.
I'm hoping it's your second option, but think it's probably the third.
Bah. That article seems to be strongly hinting that Ward is brainwashed.
Really? I got the complete opposite vibe myself.
When the zoomed in on Ward's face as Garrett was bloviating, I expected to have a POV switch and see Clairvoyant text scroll across the bottom of Ward's view saying something like "Kill him next."
I suspect, and will be disappointed, if Ward is merely brainwashed.
Mo and Jed interview! These postmortems are great reads.
Whedon: In our very first conversations with Joss, we were talking about what the show could be, and the challenges and opportunities a S.H.I.E.L.D. show would bring. We were discussing, all sort of on the same page, and there was a moment -- "Oh, there is this one other thing."
Just a small thing.
Neat to hear about all the little hints they've dropped in:
And then in "Seeds," there's a really nice moment where Skye is standing at the wall of valor, and we hear Coulson's voice off-camera saying that the world is full of evil, pain, lies and death -- and the camera pans and lands on Ward when he says "lies" and "evil."
I often don't get home in time to see entire episodes. Has Hand been established as someone who would tell an agent to kill someone in custody? It seemed odd in someone Coulson was willing to have call him Phil.
I expected to have a POV switch and see Clairvoyant text scroll across the bottom of Ward's view
I had this thought, too.
That would have been awesome.
After reading the post-mortems with the writers talking about how they planned for Ward to be a bad guy from the beginning and pointing at all the hints, I will be extremely annoyed if the triple-agent thing ends up being true.