I was hoping Obvious Evil Replacement for Fury wouldn't be so obviously evil.
I did quite enjoy Coulson and Melinda staring down each other. And Fitz doing the "OMG, she can kill me with her pinky!" sidle out of the room.
'Time Bomb'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I was hoping Obvious Evil Replacement for Fury wouldn't be so obviously evil.
I did quite enjoy Coulson and Melinda staring down each other. And Fitz doing the "OMG, she can kill me with her pinky!" sidle out of the room.
Me, too. Giving the order to kill everyone on the bus -- except Coulson -- was pretty unambiguous.
Do all her underlings know she's evil? I mean, what kind of justification is she giving for this order? Is all of S.H.I.E.L.D. evil? I suppose I will have to watch Captain America: Winter Soldier to find out!
(When Coulson finally put 2 and 2 together and realized the Clairvoyant had to be in SHIELD, Tim said, "Uh, fandom got there weeks ago, man." I'm so proud.)
Ha ha ha, right?? It was supposed to be this big dramatic moment and instead it was more like: WELL DUH.
I was hoping Obvious Evil Replacement for Fury wouldn't be so obviously evil.
You can tell she's evil because of the red streaks in her hair.
Those red streaks were so cool, though!
But evil.
Do all her underlings know she's evil? I mean, what kind of justification is she giving for this order? Is all of S.H.I.E.L.D. evil? I suppose I will have to watch Captain America: Winter Soldier to find out!
Oh, well, I guess if I *must* go see the movie, I'll drag myself there...
Do we need to see the movie before the next episode?
Everything I've read says that the movie is a huge game-changer in terms of the SHIELD corner of the Marvel Universe. Don't know how or why, because I'm trying to avoid spoilers (although I am spoiled for one thing, which is my own damn fault, and I need to stay off io9 until after I see the movie). So it sounds like seeing the movie before the next episode would be pretty helpful.
Well, if I must...
you all are PULLING my arm here...
Also, Brad Dourif still does creepy like nobody's business.
Right?! How many acting gigs have no lines to learn, no marks to hit and are that creeptastic?
You can tell she's evil because of the red streaks in her hair.
I think I need a chart of the meanings of different color streaks. Someone should get on that.
So it sounds like seeing the movie before the next episode would be pretty helpful.
Hm. Do I need to see the latest Iron Man and Thor movies first? I've kinda failed on the movie going this year.
How many acting gigs have no lines to learn
I thought the computer voice was Dourif. Although he wouldn't have had to have memorized the lines; just read them in a studio.
Do I need to see the latest Iron Man and Thor movies first?
I don't think so. It's mostly CA2 that's SHIELD-heavy.
Hm. Do I need to see the latest Iron Man and Thor movies first? I've kinda failed on the movie going this year.
Probably not first, but I recommend seeing them both because they're great.