The cleaning up confused me. I wasn't sure if I'd missed something to explain where they were and why.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Oh! I didn't quite follow that that's what was going on. I just thought they were cleaning up some unspecified event of the type that happens in this universe pretty often.
The opening had clips from the movie and said they were in Greenwich. It didn't matter, if you hadn't seen the movie, but was fun if you had, I thought.
And Coulson's little snarky bit about why the Asgardians never send down their god of cleaning up things.
All in all, I enjoyed it ... but the "did I fall asleep?" kind of gave me a chill ... is Coulson a doll? (I mean, aside from the obvious)
Not so much the "fall asleep" as the "for a little while", but definite freaking out happened. I had to rewind a couple times to make sure I heard it right. But, even though both are Jossverse, they can't cross The Dollhouse into the Marvel Universe, can they? So I went back and forth between, "Holy Crap, is Coulson a Doll?" and, "Naw, that was just a shoutout (albeit a good fakeout) for those of us who are versed in the 'verse."
Yeah, I took it as a cute reference and nothing more.
I never saw Dollhouse, so it completely passed me by.
I have thoughts about the movie/tv crossover, but they're probably spoilery, and I don't know if they belong here or in Movies! First World dilemma!
Who votes that when Coulson was interrupted saying "Thor is good looking but..." the rest of his sentence had to do with Captain America?
Because I know where my money is.