I enjoyed that, but I'm really worried about the archaeologists. Especially since that temple was WAAY more than 500 years old, and therefore the archaeologists clearly had some minor cognitive damage, possibly from exposure to the MacGuffin. And I find it hard to believe that all of them would just decamp on the word of some American guy waving a badge around. Which means they probably got killed by either the police or the rebels.
I'm also amazed that SHIELD has the resources to use a frigging space ship every time it finds something it wants to destroy. Or maybe it stores them up and sends only one rocket a year?
I know it's fantasy, but still! My job is to nit-pick.
I did like the way Coulson & Reyes did their side-by-side bit in the gunfight, that was cool. Pity she turned out to be evil.
And I liked the final twist. Coolness!
Is it just me, or does Ward suddenly have a crush on Skye?
(Otherwise, his 180 on her does not work for me.)
Well, Skye did prove clear thinking in a crisis.
And someone on my flist also pointed out the ickyness of our heroes going to South America, where they shoot lots of brown people and then rescue some other brown people, who also turn out to be evil and have to die (or be sent to detention facilities). Which leaves a rather more sour taste in my mouth than I started with..
I think they were trying to offset that with the new team member discussing the rebels, etc. before they landed. not sure it worked, but I think that's what they were going for I think.
I think that would have worked better if the Peruvian police hadn't turned evil too.
And I liked the final twist. Coolness!
I totally called "I'm in." But I think she'll be ~*conflicted*~. Still, fun place for the character to go.
Definite improvement over the pilot. I like the team dynamic, and I like the way its fits into the Marvel universe.
Is it just me, or does Ward suddenly have a crush on Skye?
It seemed like that. But it also seemed like Fitz did, with his excitement that her bunk was next to his. So I mark him for death. Alas, I like his dwarf drones.
What is the significance of the number 616 in the Marvel universe? I've seen that reference in the fic, and HQ said something like "SHIELD 616, you are clear for something or other" at the beginning.
Earth-616 is the designation for the Marvel universe comics canon continuity. We live in Earth-1218.
Marvel cinematic universe is Earth-199999.
I think that would have worked better if the Peruvian police hadn't turned evil too.
Well, wasn't the premise going in that they were the people being fought against?
They didn't shoot some and rescue others, unless I'm overly cynical to think there were no rebels there at all. That would be way too convenient to get into the ship and the stuff. I had thought "Oh, how convenient to get not just her but her armed force into the ship near the stuff there's no other way to get to." I figured there wasn't a rebel around.
The script said Peru and Inca, which could work with approx 500 years, but they said the device had drilled itself in far deeper. Also, someone railing at the inaccuracy of saying Mayans (they did not) did point out that the visuals were way Mayan and not Incan. So I think the writing was basically consistent and the art direction took a turn and then some time travel.