this happens to me all the time. A tv marathon of any favorite tv show compels me to watch even though I own the eps!
'Out Of Gas'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
this happens to me all the time. A tv marathon of any favorite tv show compels me to watch even though I own the eps!
I've got it on right now. Although the next episode coming up is going to be "The Body," so I'm going to have to skip that one.
oh man, I fell asleep just after Kabuki Dracula made Xander his Renfield and woke up as Buffy was pulling Dawn out of art class to tell her. 12 years later and it's still the one TV show that can move me past a little tearing up to ugly crying.
Has anyone else read the Joss article in EW?
Has anyone else read the Joss article in EW?
I have--a friend lent me the magazine. It was interesting. I liked his description of AoS as The Zeppo of the Avengersverse.
I liked the article quite a bit. I was sorry to hear that AoS will at the very least delay any Dr. Horrible sequel.
I decided to skip my backlog of EWs for the moment and read the current one for Joss.
So, the line from the interview that is sticking with me is the bit about having a different reason to tell a story every week, rather than just having a different story every week. I'm not sure I get what he means, and I'm not sure I agree as a consumer, but it's an interesting idea.
I liked it. But I like EW and Joss in general so. I like that he doesn't think Avengers was a great movie (it wasn't though I loved it) and that Dollhouse got away from him (it did) because it helps me keep faith in his product. But it also confirmed that I'm not sure I'd want to actually hang out with him - I think he might take it all a little more seriously than me.
Tim on the other hand.
The more that I watch The Avengers, the more unweildy it seems, what with all these characters coming together, yet so few scenes between each that mean anything. Too much reliance on, not just other movies, but comics, to make it gel on its own.
Haven't read the article, yet.