Previously On Dollhouse - a load of scenes we haven't actually seen.
'Out Of Gas'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
So, another week of a scantily-clad woman who was asking for it? It, this week happens to be death, instead of rape, but basically the same old, same old.
I love the progression of How Little Clothing Can We Put On The Female Actors And Still Get Away With It.
Srsly. The lead singer's outfit made Echo's episode 1 dress look like a burqa.
I cannot imagine even a Beyonce-famous singer making enough money to be able to afford the Dollhouse's fees for a short-term bodyguard. Echo's per-hour rate would be higher than hers!
I don't think that she was paying, the company was. Also, Biz seemed to have a relationship with DeWitt
The lead singer's outfit made Echo's episode 1 dress look like a burqa
In all fairness, it was totally appropriate for a Britney-like character.
Well, I progressed from being outraged to being bored. Not the direction I was hoping for.
Also, perhaps I was not as outraged since the terrorizing psycho fan woman killer thing wasn't depicted as believably as the rape thing. No, I wasn't afraid for them at any time.
Huh. I agree with the anvils, but I liked last night's a lot better than the other two. I especially liked that moment in the end where it's clear that Echo is started to remember pieces of her many lives, but--more interestingly--is conscious of the fact that she shouldn't let anyone else know that she's remembering. Potential for something interesting there.
It was also nice to not just see her out having sex with someone.
The lead singer's outfit made Echo's episode 1 dress look like a burqa
In all fairness, it was totally appropriate for a Britney-like character.
Oh, I know. It's just that the show isn't really racking up points for the way it *doesn't* exploit women's bodies, you know?
is conscious of the fact that she shouldn't let anyone else know that she's remembering
made me suddenly think of Eve and Adam eating from the Tree of Knowledge and suddenly feeling the need to hide their nakedness.
I actually kind of liked the ep. really liked the head shake at the end. very intriguing.
Didn't the evil controller of the Dollhouse (can't remember her name) say to the singer's manager something like "Do you need to relax? I can have the twins freed up in 2 or 3 days." Which first of all, have we seen twin Actives anywhere? And second of all, boy does that make the Dollhouse sound like an ultra-expensive brothel. Unless, of course, he'd be paying all that money for the twins to give him a massage and aromatherapy.