The typos (like rouge for rogue and you're for your) made that sound so much like an angry fan screed
Not to mention "Cleavland". God, that was terrible.
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
The typos (like rouge for rogue and you're for your) made that sound so much like an angry fan screed
Not to mention "Cleavland". God, that was terrible.
Not to mention "Cleavland"
I would not mind visiting Cleavland.
That's not an article. Anything under that "topics" section was created by users. They had a wiki template as one of their content experiments. Not one of the more successful ones, unsurprisingly.
So, yeah, it reads like an incoherent messageboard post because that's pretty much what it is.
Thanks for the heads up, Strega. I wonder how many people made that mistake before they shut it down. I don't see where on the page they mention it's not endorsed content. How does a n00b without a Steg find these things out?
Did you see it because someone else linked to it? I didn't know all that before I saw the link. I knew their articles are normally dated and credit the author. Well, and they usually seem to have been proofread. Then I saw it was in a section called "Topics" rather than under "Articles". So I poked around to figure out what that meant.
Nope--it came up in a google search, so I ended up on a Cracked page, and I had no reason to think there were two kinds of pages, and I don't care enough about their publication to do the sort of research you did. In the end, they printed it without clear explanation, so even if they didn't pay the guy, it's affecting their brand. Navigating in through search is a normal way for me to find things, and I do enough to work out I'm not on an Onion clone, and that's about it.
JAR got cast on SHIELD. [link]
I saw that, but it sounded like it wasn't confirmed yet.
The SHEILD pilot was picked up for Fall by ABC.