Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Book!!
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
TV's Grim Reaper: Why Joss Whedon Continually Kills the Characters We Love.
I ain't mad at him. It's not like he killed Ianto, or anything.
OMG, why did they kill Ianto!
OMG spoilers.
Dollhouse seasons 1 and 2 are really cheap at Amazon this week!
So, ANYWAY. I finally finished watching Dollhouse, um, yesterday, courtesy of Netflix on Demand. I gave up right before they started burning off the episodes- so I started with the first Summer Glau episode and went through to the end. Rewatched E1 before E2 though.
One question though, WTF happened with the Senator? He was self aware, he was an assassin, he killed his wife/handler, and snapped out of assassin mode, and then rushed to the committee meeting... to do the thing he was supposed to be programmed to do but he hadn't been wiped and... programmed? I don't get it. I feel like I missed something there, and then that whole storyline was dropped.
ETA: Eh, never mind. I figured out he must have gone back for his treatment before heading out. It was just such a weird ending.
Awesome Dr. Horrible shirt on Tee Fury today! AND! a portion of the proceeds are going to be donated to the Lupus Foundation of America in support of Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon!
Same guy did a really cute Firefly shirt (scroll down on the right).
Same guy did a really cute Firefly shirt (scroll down on the right).
And I guess he also must have done the Our Lady of Sunnydale one under that, though the style is very different.
Like, really, NOT EVEN KIDDING.