Funny you should mention that since Act 3 is done!
There's some weirdness with how the URLs are resolved. Try starting at his home page and navigating from there: [link]
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Funny you should mention that since Act 3 is done!
There's some weirdness with how the URLs are resolved. Try starting at his home page and navigating from there: [link]
James Marsters is in the Evil League of Evil?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that thought.
Joss on This American Life: [link]
I think that is from last year.
I hadn't seen it before. That was pretty cool.
Yes, it's from last year, but the video was only just made publicly available.
Having only previously heard the audio, I was surprised at how much better it is with visual clues (Joss's facial expressions, etc.).
Oh, this is probably the place to mention it. I got a text from my best friend yesterday. She's going to play the Vampire Queen in some play in L.A.
The text was to let me know her director had a meeting with Joss about Captain America.
Thanks for the video link!
I really want the Whedons to flesh out Dr. Horrible as a full Broadway production.
For those who don't watch, tomorrow's episode of "Glee" is directed by Joss (and guest starring NPH!)