I'm going to miss it too.
Also, I think whatever grievances people have with Joss anybody would have to admit he's got a real eye for talent and has found a lot of spectacular actors and writers over the years.
I also appreciate how well he tweaks character. How he kept finding new ways to show off Enver, how he tailored the story back to Eliza's strengths and away from her weaknesses. Alpha and Bennett and Topher were all characters that started a little stiff or off and got more intriguing as he revisited those characters and shaped their stories.
Olivia Williams was flat out perfect from the beginning but he managed to exploit her considerable range beautifully. Who else was giving her this kind of role?
He did a fantastic job with Amy Acker, basically going Scruffy!Wesley with her and she more than met the challenge. I loved every scene with Dr. Saunders after she found out she was a doll.
I also appreciate a couple little things he's done with casting over the years as he's been responsive to criticism. After BtVS he's always worked harder to cast black actors. And he's also consciously worked to create roles for women who weren't all size 2.
Fuck, I hope he gets a show on FX. I hope he gets a 13 episode season and no interference.