I didn't.
'Out Of Gas'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Holy shit!
I was just going to post something about River meeting Fred...but, not now.
That I didn't see coming.
Holy shit!
OK - did this episode end up making any sense to any of y'all? I think I need another viewing because I have absolutely no idea who was the what with the how and the why at the end of this episode.
Seconding that holy shit!
I literally stared at the screen into the commercial break with my mouth hanging open.
Also, I have a hard time believing that Claire got a sleeper imprint. That felt more like "I hate this guy, this is the best way to hurt him" because as she was waxing all nicely over Topher and Bennet, I'm thinking, "She hates this guy!".
The Bennet memory makes sense now, and it really wasn't even that different.
Boyd... Boyd... I think I feel a little sick.
I can't believe it.
Oh man.
Only two more episodes? How can that possibly be enough?
Me too, Juliebird! Yikes and Gadzooks!
THIS is the Joss we all know and love! Major HSQ!
I think the opening credits listed Tim as writer and director for this ep.