Even if I think I can rock climb and I somehow have the physical strength to do so, it seems like I would be looking up a cliff face and making decisions based on how long I thought my limbs were and how controlled my center of balance was, things that would be difficult with a blended imprint.
I was thinking this myself when Echo was pretending to get into climbing trouble -- wouldn't you be assuming different muscle strength than you might actually have?
That might be part of the process of choosing an active, making sure that they have the proper physical attributes (and by attributes, I do not mean boobs)
(and by attributes, I do not mean boobs)
Although, to be fair, those do seem to be a prerequisite.
I'm wondering if, in a future episode, it'll come out that the Dollhouse selected people beforehand and then set it up so they'd be in such a desperate situation that they'll sign up. I mean, as opposed to preying on people who are already in a desperate situation.
Oh, like Le Femme Nikita...hopefully without the gagarific fanfic.
I like that idea, myself.
It seems like a bit too much work... they basically need pretty people in good physical condition and desperate legal or financial situations, right? Surely there are enough such people that it's easier to find them than make them.
They could also instill the desire to work out. Echo is always talking about swimming. The (non)active personality can be programmed to want to keep in shape.
but if you make one, she's not a babymama or anything that will bring drama to work.
but if you make one, she's not a babymama or anything that will bring drama to work.
If their business plan is really long-term, having babymamas to grow their own future actives might be seen as a worthwhile investment. And still in line with the whole eeeeeeevil thing.