This morning I saw one of those fancy changing billboards advertising Dollhouse tonight. ("Tonight" was even in really big letters.) I've never seen the billboard promote Dollhouse before.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
But hardcore Whedonites? They are to Trekkies what the Nation of Islam were to the Civil Rights movement.
I actually think this sentence is offensive. WTF?
Douchebag, heal thyself.(Not y'all, him) And every showrunner tries to find someone to blame. Except maybe Milch, but he talks about "humility" because he's on a Program of some sort. Personally, I like the sing-alongs. Nobody has to, but I don't get the doesn't harm anyone, doesn't actively take points from IQ scores or lower worldwide sperm Keith Olbermann said on a far more significant occasion "What's it to you?"
Ha! That was some pretty hardcore trolling, and he is going to get the negative attention he wanted. In spades. Also, fairly harsh, yes, but the bit about Dollhouse and Fox made me laugh and laugh. Actually this is my favorite bit:
The guy who writes Family Circus apparently did a dialog polish while Joss was coming up with new ways to get hot female co-stars to make out with each other onscreen (for feminism, of course.)
Prisicilla Renea song "Dollhouse" (no intentional relation to show)
I tried to be your picture perfect girl
But you were in your own fantasy world
Tryna control me
Like some kind of barbie
But that just ain't me
Cuz I ain't a doll
This ain't a dollhouse
Your way too old to be
Putting me down like this
And playing around like this
I ain't a doll
This ain't a dollhouse
No I could never be stuck living life like this
Behind these four walls
Cuz I ain't a doll
And I come with imperfections
Epitome of perfection
If you can't understand
Loving the way I am
Then you're no good for me
So glad I kept my receipt
Video (with opening commercial because youtube keeps stuttering) [link]
Lyrics if you don't want to bother with overly long video >[link]
I laughed at some of it, too, but the fanfic thing just set me off.
Even the fanfic thing, to me, seemed to be more about hardcore shippers. The quote in full was:
To be fair, this is a complaint you could levy against any major geek property. Star Wars fans are the worst part of Star Wars, Trekkies ate shit for about 30 straight years and online discussions of your favorite shows are clogged with "Shippers," who disregard anything interesting and insightful about a show, and focus solely on badly-written fanfic fantasies for frantic bean-flicking, their stories swapped between shawl-wearing, cat-owning knitting enthusiasts squeeling until their lungs burst on LiveJournal.
I also...I've read some masterfully written fanfic, most of that was written by Buffistas, but fanfic in general, to me, mostly seems like PWoP written by people who've never actually had sex.
Porn without plot
Well, yeah, I could see why you could think that. Some of it is really bad and makes my eyes roll, in that not-transported kind of way. But there is nothing so bad, freaky, or poorly-written that it does not amuse someone some place. Who anointed that guy the Fun Patrol? Besides, I like Eliza Dushku(although now I know why that Vince-as-a-girl Entourage fic felt so familiar...if I were casting Girl!Vincent Chase, it would totally be ED.) I just proved that guy's thesis, didn't I? But now I wish that she and E could date so Drama could play the Kramer role and say "E, you're dating her because of unresolved feeling for Vince."