I hope he gets an Emmy nod.
Does that even seem remotely likely?
He'll get more work, though.
Wash ,'War Stories'
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
I hope he gets an Emmy nod.
Does that even seem remotely likely?
He'll get more work, though.
Plenty of wonderful actors never get Emmys so that they can keep nominating Shatner for "Boston Legal" and stuff.
Fox will air all 13 episodes...but they won't make the decision about the back 9 until then. Thankfully, Joss is providing some semblance of closure in episode 13 and not being totally evil.
Quite good for a show people kept saying would get 4 episodes.
Fox will air all 13 episodes...but they won't make the decision about the back 9 until then.
Where have I heard that before? Also, I note that there's no Dollhouse on my DVR for this Friday (at least not yet). There IS one for two weeks out, which is odd.
Baseball this Friday, Frank. Kevin mentioned that upthread.
Baseball this Friday, Frank. Kevin mentioned that upthread.
*smacks forehead*
I totally missed that. And I noted playoffs were starting becuase of the ads on Fox last night. D'oh!!!
If Fox announced that the sky is blue I wouldn't believe it until I could look out a window.
I know I'm behind but this episode is so much better than most of the others. What I like the most is the little humorous lines that I keep running across "Topher has ethics", "I trained at Quantico" and so on.
I wish Tim could write all the episodes.
I wish Tim could direct all the episodes, too. Although that said I actually like the stuff Jed and Maurissa are putting out. They're really good.
All the episodes are definitely going to air. Reilly's put his word to that too. They are saying in Polter-Cow's link they may shift it off air during sweeps, which for me suggests the magic phrase 'burn off'. But let's face it - Dollhouse never exactly ran out of the creative gate and the fact it's going to have shot 26 episodes and aired 25 of them across 2 seasons is pretty fantastic. And, you know, it's the lowest rated renewal in TV history, and currently the lowest rated drama on broadcast TV at all. Fans should be giving metaphorical blowjobs to Fox in some ways.