Well, we are. But he said that like it's a bad thing. And, when your private moments require a legal-defense team? You lose a lot of room to call me crazy. But I'm just old-fashioned like that. (I still love the guy's work and I have an unhealthy fascination with stoner stories, so we'd probably be good, but still.) I loved the Entourage that took place at Comic-Con, but it was still clear that whoever wrote it was geek-adjacent rather than of the tribe. But it was still hilarious because everything about Viking Quest is a fricking riot. VICTORY!!
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
OK, I'm ten minutes into it and already incredibly irritated with the audience. Why do people feel the need to woot or clap at the mention of every proper noun? Dudes, we get it! You're fans! You are familiar with the man's work! An offhand mention of Pylia gets a woot? Sheesh.
Well, I don't know...if it follows "throw Max Baucus into..." I think I'd cheer for Pylea, but context matters.
Done. And huh.
All clear.
Redacted as promised.
I'm guessing as to what Frank wrote, but it's really obvious in Other Media.
it's really obvious in Other Media.
I think that if there was concern about that, the posts would have been worded more circumspectly or edited/deleted after the fact.
That said, discretion is the better part of online communities. Also, it's considerate.
What ita said.