The more I think about the climbing-to-the-rooftop scene, the more I'm sure I've seen that situation before, and I think it was in a dream. Weird deja vu.
'Time Bomb'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Also, the first 3 episodes of season 2? Really cool.
What? You bastard.
"Dollhouse" DVD question:
Which discs are the pilot and the 13th episode on? (I'm presuming the 13th episode is on the last disc, actually.) I'm just going to Netflix those discs, and not bother rewatching the rest.
Victor - both are on whatever the last disc is in the set. I think it's the fourth disc, but I can't remember how many discs are in the set off the top of my head.
I think it was the fourth, yeah. Did the same thing because my queue is so huge.
Victor, let me know if you want to just borrow mine.
Thanks all. SJ, we'll probably take you up on that. Gracias!
FYI - There's some of kind of Season 2 "Sneak Peek" up on iTunes. It's a free download.
There is also a Dollhouse promo up on demand on Comcast. I wonder if having Fox shows promoed like that On Demand means that the shows will be available On Demand this year?
(Bones, Fringe, House and Lie to Me were also promoed on Comcast's On Demand feature.)