Oh, I'm sure. I'm just at square one, for one.
'Objects In Space'
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
We got the extra ep on regular tv over here (not that I knew it was an extra ep until I'd watched it and felt safe to come in here).
That was a damn fine episode. It seems like the start of the season and the end of the season are two completely different shows. And where do they go from there?
I was pretty much ready to stop watching after the first two episodes, and I only really kept with it 'cause I'd already set my tivo and I'm hell of lazy. Glad I did though...
I saved all four discs from Netflix because D said he might want to watch the whole series after he'd seen the unaired pilot. Well he watched it and said the show was crap. I tried to suck him in with Alan Tudyk but he walked out of the room before the big reveal. I told him what the big reveal was and he still wasn't interested.
So I sent all four discs back and completely forgot to watch the bonus episode. sigh. I think I'm going to go through the rigamarole of adding all the discs back on and deleting the first three just so I can watch that damn episode.
I think I'm going to go through the rigamarole of adding all the discs back on and deleting the first three just so I can watch that damn episode.
Or you could just go to the Dollhouse Season 1 page and add only the last disc.
Or you could just go to the Dollhouse Season 1 page and add only the last discThat's what I just did.
doh! I will apply this helpful information next time I only want to add one disc of a series.
Huh. Felicia Day was born the day I turned 18.
In Huntsville, Alabama. (Where I just detoured with Emmett in June.)
And her father was in the Air Force. (As was mine.)
Also we were both National Merit Scholars.
Weird confluence of coincidences!
(looked her up on Wiki after her Avatar video / Epitaph One)
psst. David is a cyber stalker, pass it on.
Felicia Day is a cyberman, pass it on.
wait, what? What? Um, can you fit two of us in those suits.