God, that is the Medellin of fantasy concepts(although they probably don't have much in common other than the application of mass amounts of cocaine. bad-dum-pum.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
From a business point of view, it's actually better to do it now. Buffy is an international brand, but it will (and is) fall out of the public eye as the years pass.
No, I understand this. I understand that they HAVE the rights to BtVS, and that thus BtVS is what they're thinking of making money from, rather than having to acquire rights to something else.
But I was talking about artistic merit. The various reboots for BSG, Charlie's Angels, Starsky & Hutch, Star Trek et al are more interesting and timely in no small part because they aren't revamping something recent. Because the source texts were pop culture rooted in a very different culture, and so there have been enough changes in the kinds of television made, and in the ideals/values/cultural norms, that the reboots have not been a total waste of time.
God, that is the Medellin of fantasy concepts
Hearts erika
Thank you, thank you. I've been looking to use that comparison for a bit now, but I hadn't found anything horrifying enough quite yet. Think I have now. Woof. ETA: If you don't know what Medellin is, read self-indulgent vanity project that will leave a noxious stain on every career that it touches, however tangentially, and leaves an aroma of Fail strong enough to outpace that fake-butter smell in the movie theater. But the pitch looked okay.
Also, I've got a fandom for you.
I liked Ishtar.
Me too, actually. Actually, I think the insiders just decided to sink that one on purpose.(that might have been a more interesting failure for Vince than having it verifiably reek and get booed out of Cannes, but I'm rambling, as always.) Although it was a little weird and went over budget. Medellin is is probably more like Gigli, without the fucking, although I think I sent off some kind of Slash signal just by typing that, so your mileage may vary.
Work on Dollhouse season two starts, I think, tomorrow. Tim's back on board. Hooray!
Want to reboot something? Reboot something from the 60s or 70s, or even the 80s.
Yes. Reboot Johnny Staccato. A jazz pianist who solves crimes. What's not to love?