And is Courtney Cox old enough to qualify as a cougar? I mean, for someone who's above the age of consent?
Oddly, her character on "Scrubs" made a joke about being a cougar. Hmmm ... and Bill Lawrence is behind both shows ...
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
And is Courtney Cox old enough to qualify as a cougar? I mean, for someone who's above the age of consent?
Oddly, her character on "Scrubs" made a joke about being a cougar. Hmmm ... and Bill Lawrence is behind both shows ...
I'd love it if La Cougar slept her way through the shiny young things but saved a nice quiet one to savour.
Doubt it happened. But at least she was choosing from guys her kid's age--she was proper and "old."
And is Courtney Cox old enough to qualify as a cougar? I mean, for someone who's above the age of consent?
Courtney Cox is well into her 40s.
45, per wikipedia
When Anne Bancroft played "Mrs. Robinson" she was only four or five years older than Dustin Hoffman.
It's likely that I took some joke review seriously.
The high school football team is also called the Cougars, so you weren't all wrong. You just weren't all right.
Aha! Not all wrong is pretty good for me. Thanks.
One of the local radio stations set up a "Bachelor" style game show using the single 35 year old male DJ and separated the women into "kittens" and "cougars." Cougars being women 35 and up. Which we knew was a joke because this dude has never dated anyone over 25, so fat chance of him starting now. But, 35? I didn't consider myself a cougar until I hit 50.
My 63 y/o mother shocked me when she declared that cougar meant early forties.
We finally watched the last 3 episodes in one sitting last night.
I know we had kicked around the idea of Dr. Saunders being a doll, but I was still shocked as HELL at the reveal. I think it was the way the reveal was done, with the backlit sexy dancing, etc.
Also, remember the episode with the drug that made all the non-dolls excessively stoned, but didn't effect the dolls? Dr. Saunders wasn't in that one, whether b/c AA had other obligations, or on purpose, I dunno. But still interesting that she wasn't there. Because, since she's a doll, she wouldn't have been stoned, and that would have been a clue.
Alpha -- honestly, I was underwhelmed by Alan Tudyk. Even being all slasher-y, he just seemed like Pirate Steve. I do wish I hadn't been spoiled, though, because it would have made his sudden yet inevitable betrayal that much better (see what I did there)? (Oh, and did no one point out the Firefly reference?)
And oh, my god, VICTOR NOOOOOO!
I totally agree with everyone on the awesomeness of Victor-as-Dominic. He really is a fantastic actor.
Oh Ballard. You really are the universe's bitch. And I would watch the Boyd and Ballard show every week.
Back to Alpha -- I know that he had, like, 40 imprints rattling around in his head, but being able to make an Imprinting Chair and all the necessary computer stuff -- that takes really, REALLY specific skills. So what I want to know is -- where did that come from? Topher? Is his brain backed up on a regular basis, and Alpha grabbed his imprint, too.
I mean, it would make total sense for Topher to be backed up, because if he got killed, they could replace him right away. Sure, they have Lab Girl assisting Topher, but he's pretty much head and shoulders above her in terms of skills. At least, that's how they've portrayed it. And sure, there are Dollhouses in every major city, each with their own version of Topher, but it's not like the NYC Dollhouse could just spare their Topher to fly out to the coast and train someone.
So having their nerd on a thumb drive somewhere is a good idea.
And that's the only way I can think of for Alpha to have gotten all his crazy chair-building, implant-implanting skills.