Next week is the finale. Which may be series or season. And it's a Tim episode. Hmm.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
Okay, Enver Gjokaj is FUCKING AMAZING. I actually considered the possibility that they had dubbed in Reed Diamond's voice. That was freaky.
And I had no idea Alan Tudyk could be so crazy and scary. I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for that at all. No idea that was coming.
When was Whiskey mentioned? I missed that. I was very tired.
Enver Gjokaj is FUCKING AMAZING. I actually considered the possibility that they had dubbed in Reed Diamond's voice. That was freaky.
God, I know! That entire scene was IN. TENSE.
When was Whiskey mentioned?
It was mentioned by Victor-as-Laurence right before Claire injected him with something to calm him down (the first injection of the 2 administered.)
Aha, thanks! It does look like he was addressing Claire as Whiskey. Which makes me sad. I don't want EVERYONE EVER to be a Doll, geez.
I rewatched the last half or so of the episode since I was in and out of sleep before. I didn't realize that the joke about the risers was a setup. Hee, nice.
Okay, Enver Gjokaj is FUCKING AMAZING.
I know, right? Every single role they've given him he's knocked out the park. He's an amazing actor. The contrast to him in Doll state after Paul/Boyd crashed into his sleeping chamber was brilliant.
"Some people were fighting on me." Oh Victor, my poor woobie.
Okay, Enver Gjokaj is FUCKING AMAZING. I actually considered the possibility that they had dubbed in Reed Diamond's voice. That was freaky.
When he asked who's hands?, I was very freaked.
And I would never had Guessed that I would find AT scary. Never.
Every single role they've given him he's knocked out the park.
It doesn't get old! Every week, I still can't believe he's so fucking good. I keep waiting to find him unconvincing in a role. Where did Joss find this guy?
Hey, he was in Eagle Eye ! As "Remote Pilot." I don't remember him.
Aha, thanks! It does look like he was addressing Claire as Whiskey. Which makes me sad. I don't want EVERYONE EVER to be a Doll, geez.
they're certainly setting her up that way though. with that and then later with Alpha asking if she always wanted to be a doctor and then telling her she knew that wasn't true.
He's a theatre actor, that's about all I know about him.
I wish they had give Dichen more to do, she seems to have played the same character each week for a while now.
I have to admit - and I wouldn't say this to Eliza's face as I'm a coward - but instead of Dollhouse acting as a show reel for her talents, it's actually shown me how limited her range is. She's being acted out the episode and down the street on a regular basis.