Boooo, I need more Felicia Day on my screen.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
The Hollywood Reporter got ahold of the story somehow, but both Fox and FBC declined to comment why the finale has been binned.
This is how NOT to do PR. Total fucking mess of the highest order. Dollhouse is the #1 subject on Twitter right now, followed by FOX, because everybody thinks it has been cancelled. Except it hasn't.
From the comments on that article:
If they had been patient with Dollhouse it would have been one of the top 10 shows on TV by the end of the 2nd season.
Sure, OK.
okay, so just for the sake of argument,
why wouldn't people assume DH is canceled? I don't remember the last time a tv show aired for a complete season, didn't air an ep, came back the following season and the unaired ep showed up on the DVD.
Why not hold that ep for the next season?
article about DH being unofficially canceled:
If nothing else, it'll stop me thinking that people's spouses keep getting laid off.
yeah, and unfortunately that's a sore point in our household at the moment.
It IS a misunderstanding, but not in the way that you'd want it to be.
Felicia is right, they're not going to air #13. But guess what -- they never were. Because they only paid for 12 plus pilot (remember, the original scrapped pilot that didn't air?). The studio (NOT THE NETWORK), in what is actually a great business move, ordered an extra episode that they knew from the get-go would never air. Hello getting the DVDs to fly off the shelves.
I have VERY intimate firsthand knowledge of what went down with this show (I was Kevin Reilly's assistant), so I know what I'm talking about.
Tim sez:
Okay. So maybe I can help clarify this somewhat. Because we scrapped the original pilot -- and in fact cannibalized some of its parts for other eps -- we really ended up with 12 episodes. But the studio makes DVD and other deals based on the original 13 number. So we created a standalone kind of coda episode. Which is the mythical new episode 13. The network had already paid for 13 episodes, and this included the one they agreed to let us scrap for parts. It does not include the one we made to bring the number back up to 13 for the studio side and its obligations. We always knew it would be for the DVD for sure, but we also think Fox should air it because it’s awesome.
Also, I still find it weird when I see him posting at Whedonesque.
article about DH being unofficially canceled
And I just got a panicked e-mail. Le sigh.
So we created a standalone kind of coda episode.
Hm, so Tim's episode really is supposed to be the finale, pretty much? And Joss's episode is a...thing? Like a "Primeval"/"Restless" thing?