For the record, I wouldn't kick the actor playing Topher out of bed for eating crackers.
Jossverse 1: Emotional Resonance & Rocket Launchers
TV, movies, web media--this thread is the home for any Joss projects that don't already have their own threads, such as Dr. Horrible.
What about other inappropriate starches?
bless you, Theo!
I wanted to like Sam, but he tried to kill Echo/Alice and he didn't have to. He dosed Owen not knowing what would happen, but he damned sure knew what would happen when he dosed E/A. He didn't have to dose her. She wasn't paying attention to him, he could have just slipped the vial into his pocket and left.
I'm also kind of annoyed that they haven't sent Echo to the Attic (whatever that is). She's glitched during an assignment twice. That's not just the potential for bad business, it's dangerous. (not to mention the guy that she left tied to the bed, I'm sure that they're refunding his money)
(not to mention the guy that she left tied to the bed, I'm sure that they're refunding his money)But will probably charge the chemical company for the extra Active that actually solved the problem & found the extra vile, sort of.
My question: The skinny guy who hid the vile, that was offered a contract in the closing scene. Initially I was under the impression that he was offered a contract *after* all this went down. But now part of me wonders, was that dude an active all the time? Was that a flash back? Time/space jumping confuses my lil brain sometimes.
Vial. Sorry, I couldn't let that one go. It could be a vial of vile chemicals, though.
I think Sam was offered the contract to become a doll after the campus was under control and the drug had worn off.
Oops, your right. Sorry about that. Still waking up, and needing food. Where did I get vile from? :: shakes cobwebs from head ::
The episode was directed by James Contner, according to the credits.
I noticed Adele said "I believe in the work we are funding", rather than the work they're doing, so perhaps Echo's glitchiness, while problematic for the Dollhouse, is in some way useful for the real purpose, and Dominic isn't privy to that.
It was funny! I still do not love ED's doll state, and also! even if you have skinny thighs, those damned thigh highs fall down. A lot. She should have been hiking the bloody things up every 4 minutes.
I, too, thought "Band Candy!" but I thought all the actors who played the DH personnel did a great job.
"Soft! Like a kitty..."
Also! How big was that thing stuffed in Topher's pants? I kinda hope it was a sock. The cut from the convo to the pantlessness was awesome, though; I nearly swallowed my tongue with the laughing.
OK, more into it now. Some basic flaws, and Ballard is still a big eh, but it was fun, I have more background and am more interested.