JZ's mom was in town and offered to look after Matildy while JZ and I spent money we couldn't afford on a hotel room in downtown SF.
It was lovely.
And in the morning we scrolled through the movie options On Demand and came down to choosing between Clive Owen in Duplicity and Clive Owen in The International. Now I thought I was going to choose The International, but the preview for Duplicity looked more fun and so we opted for Caper Clive over Intensely Broody Clive.
It was good fun. (Despite the presence of Theo's Most Hated.)
You know for a guy who turned down the role of James Bond, Clive's down an awful lot of movies that are rather Bondish: Bourne Identity, BMW commercials, Duplicity, The International, Shoot 'Em Up.
I too like Dark City. Why do you hate it?
I found it smug, pretentious, repetitive and boring.
Gorgeous production design, though.
Horror movie people--do you know what this is from:
Disturbing, so don't click the link if you are squeamish.
No idea, Perkins, but scary!
My guess would be "The Ring" or "The Ring 2", but I don't know it for a fact.
I sorta' liked
Dark City,
but I feel it was somewhat ruined by the voiceover at the beginning that explains the conceit of the film. (Apparently they thought it would be too confusing without it.)
It looks like it could be any of the remakes of Japanese horror movies that hit in the last ten years.
I remember being really startled when Dark City was Ebert's #1 film of the year.