Breakfast Club, definitely. Although it is interesting how the fashion has changed so that is it Claire and Emilio Estevez who look dated, and Brian and Bender and Allison still look OK, and perhaps cooler than they did then.
With a close runner up for Sixteen Candles-- especially when her grandma is talking about her boobs!
"I can't believe my grandma just felt me up!"
Uncle Buck
is about the only Hughes film I could watch again.
From the chat room where I manage my new team of minions:
"NPR is reporting that American forces killed Baitullah Mahsud."
"Who cares?
The Breakfast Club
was way better than whatever crappy movies that Taliban guy made."
Oh, as usual, dear.
Not much to contribute on the Hughes front. I enjoyed Sixteen Candles and Weird Science back in the day, but have no desire to really see either again (maybe SC). Was meh on The Breakfast Club. Missed most of the others.
And HATED Ferris Bueller with the fury of a million fiery suns. The character moreso than the movie (and I generally like Broderick). I think he is to me what Duckie is to Plei. Hate HATE HHHHAAATTTEEEDDD HIM!!!
NEVER TO SOON!!! POst post post.
I don't know where the link is. I just remember the slashy-slashness of it all.
Right there with you on the Ferris hate, Frank. I'd still root for the angry principal played by the creepy pedophile actor if Cameron wasn't tagging along.
New trailer for
Where the Wild Things Are:
That trailer looks great. I'm even more excited now!