The Chicago Tribune has a photo gallery of various "kids" from Hughes films--they say this about Michael Schoeffling (Jake):
Reporters have gone looking for him since [he retired from acting in 1991] with no luck -- GQ called him "the Salinger of male models/actors" in 2002. He is reportedly working as a carpenter making handcrafted furniture in northeastern Pennsylvania.
I may be too old to really appreciate John Hughes, but I am very big on the Ferris Bueller love. I'm afraid all the other high school movies make me very twitchy.
How did I not know he was an ASU alumnus? I mean, since I am too, albeit during his, like, Salinger period.
But it still seems like Alumni Office FAIL that I found that out on a wiki...we have so little to be proud of.
Sixteen Candles for sure for me. I liked all of them back in the day, but that's the only one I'll stop and watch if I come across it as I'm channel surfing. What teenage girl couldn't relate to Sam (and secretly hope for some Jake Ryan action)?
Ferris. Breakfast Club second. Love them both.
Pretty in Pink, OTOH, causes me to go into feminist rage black outs. Also, PEOPLE? DUCKIE IS A "NICE GUY" WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM?
(Err, I wasn't kidding about the rage black outs. That movie makes me Uwe Boll angry.)
Not to mention the Annie Potts antimakeover.
Not to mention the Annie Potts antimakeover.
Yeah. Err. That too.
We have some Ferris Bueller haters here in buffista-land, but I still love that movie.
I was sorry to hear John Hughes died - and so young. I was in junior high school when I saw "The Breakfast Club" for the first and high school for "Ferris Bueller", "16 Candles" and "Pretty In Pink" (worst.ending.ever)
My friend and I saw "Some Kind of Wonderful" (also high school) and cried and cried during the movie - she was in love with her male best friend and related just a little too much to the movie.
I feel like this summer, my youth is literally dying off.
I don't like it.
I bet Annie Potts dumped yuppie boy and went back to dressing weird.(I've always been sort of tempted to write a Graduate style fic about her and The Duck, anyways...a year or two in the future or something.)
I always hated Long Duck Dong. Then I heard an interview with the actor who'd played him and I felt terrible for him.