Sixteen Candles
Breakfast Club
Some Kind Of Wonderful
Thanks for all the quotes, Mr. Hughes...still use them all the time. As to your sudden exit from the planet, I'm sad to say "The world is an imperfect place,"
I feel like I owe him a lot, because being the crippled kid and shy and all, it was hard to make friends. His movies gave(and still) give me a shared vocabulary with people my age. Although my Boomer is still pretty fluent.
My friends and I used to rewind and play, over and over and over, the scene in Sixteen Candles at the end, where all the cars pull away and Molly Ringwald sees Jake standing there.
Wow, he wrote a lot of bad movies.
I think I like Ferris Beuller best, even though it's not set in Shermer IL.
My friends and I used to rewind and play, over and over and over, the scene in Sixteen Candles at the end, where all the cars pull away and Molly Ringwald sees Jake standing there.
Seriously. Best moment ever.
Well, close second...right next to Lloyd and the boombox. ETA: Jesus, Erika, a man just died, and you can't rate him over your Cusack lust? God, you suck.
For today, Jake Ryan is the best moment ever.
Lloyd's good, but a little over the top, if not a bit stalkerish.
The simplicity of the Jake moment is what gets me.
Bueller, if only for the sheer quotableness of it.
I am Abe Frohman, sausage king of Chicago.
Lloyd & the boombox is Cameron Crowe.
Or are you arguing for best movie moment
Yes, foolishly I couldn't give a point to a dead guy.
It's good practice for the Kevin Smith memorial, though, huh?
He will totally expect a debate.
Tie between Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink - even if he did change the ending.
For your Duckie enjoyment: [link]